◈ Thankyou For Your Time & Reading This Far & Ahead ◈
I started developing this idea around 2020ish... admittedly, I've gotten carried away with this. The more time goes by, the more I think about the state of the world as it is now, the more I do, the more I am convinced we absolutely need more for women! We are in dire need of help and have been forever, we are in need of SO MUCH MORE, EVERYWHERE, AND FOR ALL TIME! No matter the Demographic-- this project is literally for every woman, it is not targeting a specific audience. This group is for every woman to have ever existed, in the past, present and future there must be more resources for mental illness and wellness across the board and all-the-way around. I cannot emphasize and express enough the need for this... so here we are!
I can be contacted directly, at 303-960-4812 if you can help, at lean.gold@yahoo.com and I am humbly only asking for a little time from you and for you, to see what I've started here...
A basic business plan constructed using template for Public Corporation
The Art of Gifting, B-Sister Safe Private Directory, Launch Social Media Pages, Establish Sisterhood
Helping Others Helps Immensely, Creating for Others Feels Good! This is really where I want to exist with this idea, THANKYOU! I know this will help you too, and you are SO SPECIAL to me for allowing me to gift you, I cannot thank you enough!
Phase 1. Create and establish online membership group on Social Media
Phase 2. Allocate free arts and craft supplies to members
Phase 3. Basic "Bee-Box/ B-Box" Care Packages
Two months for the first Phase, working on Phase Two and Three also in those first months; developed as soon as possible! Realistically, two more months for implementing both Phase 2 and 3, ideally I'd like to implement them at the same time, but no more than four months total, for both.
Phase 1.
Phase 2.
Phase 3.
BEE-ING ACCOUNTABLE for all the mistakes I've made and people I've hurt is required here, I'm trying to correct this about myself with this too, if you will allow me; I truly appreciate your time and consideration...
1. Proper business licensing for L's Custom Jewelry and Colorado Hemporium, $200?
2. Hemp product labeling is finally done!
3. Proper charitable classification license, Organization vs. Cost for actual entity? I have no idea how this works right now, but I know it is absolutely necessary and essential to operate legitimately, $Cost?
4. THE LOGO!!! I chose the "B-" instead of the obvious "Bee" prefix. I want the "B-" to be a Bee graphic that stands on its own but also as a letter and hyphen; also on its own. So when you see the "B-" logo, it is an insect but ALSO the letter of the alphabet with an extended "tail and trail", that is the HYPHEN; the hyphen is BOTH a bee tail and trail and alphabetic letter, ya feelin' me? The hyphen, an insect AND letter extends into something with that hyphen, to anything after with this as a PREFIX. I hope this makes some sense and I've got some solid ideas but I haven't quite figured it all out yet, I definitely need some creative help.
5. REQUEST DONATIONS Event Start getting FREE COLORING AND ART SUPPLIES for women, and distribute. Have a GoFundMe or something similar to be able to take monetary donations that will cover costs in our first program and Phase 1, "The Art of Gifting." Make sure to have current public access to see where costs are going-- complete transparency here and cost disclosure is public.
6. Protected Identity and complete anonymity option is crucial for the safety of everybody; the members, the helpers, the teachers, the buyers, gifters, giftees, EVERYBODY. Protection for all involved in every slightest detail-- that's the whole point of this too, safety.
7. Establish and define what a B-Sister is right away, do we sponsor each, what the group is-- is there membership, subscription box option? Build Social Media groups on only Facebook and Instagram, possibly YouTube, to start. This idea is connecting women who've worn the same shoes, traumatic circumstances, connections with one another in a group "of our greatest nightmares nobody should be in, but are."
8. Offer a basic care package for women with severe PTSD, called the "Bee Box, B-Box". I have the jewelry all made already, and very basic Hemp products I have already been providing. I go a step further with the care package contents, basic items include: the purse, my products, honey pot, basic coloring supplies and a frame. Break down the task by participating in the "Art of Gifting," the first option I'm implementing with hopes they can connect with each other, through the social media groups, initially only Facebook and Instagram groups. At the very least we're helping them find some relief with the items.
9. The "Buzz Box" we'll call gifts that contain any Cannabis Products, the "B-/Bee Box" Does not have hemp products. This will be implemented along with PHASE 2 of the project, which is providing broad and complete list of legitimate Cannabis Products can be included with the preliminary "Bee Boxes"
10. Let people know a little bit more about me in regards to expertise in Hemp Cannabis
11. Stop shaming people for needing to medicate this way. We've got to shatter that "stoner" stereotype, and start understanding how very vital cannabis is medicinally for people needing mental wellness. Cannabis is a key to recovery for so many people, especially myself. Let's prove this and stop being categorized, it is effectively treating MY severe PTSD!
12. Allow myself to be videoed, have the courage and confidence to pull this off knowing people in the world desperately need a win, if nothing else, if just one person felt comfort for just a moment, even one moment this huge thing is worth doing.
13. FEATURE A WEEKLY SISTER who potentially needs more immediate support from the group
14. A Directory of B-Sisters willing to help and are not anonymous, also willing to share their own stories?
15. An "Art Swap" or art auctions, an app that is a marketplace for the members, where they can make extra income posting their creations and/or products, but without any of the fees, the members get 100% of the sales they post ads for. Another artistic marketplace application.
16. This fully functional completion of PHASE #1 through #3, build and implement PHASE 4, where we've figured out how to really help others, HELP OTHERS that need helping... I know, I know it is confusing, but this will be measurable when determining success. we will figure this part out though! Afterall, that IS our ultimate goal to achieve helping others, however that means to the person truly needing help, and WITHOUT JUDGEMENT-- however this looks to people.
17. FULLY AND COMPLETELY SELF-SUSTAINABLE, is also what PHASE 4 is all about. The ultimate goal is also sustainability, where the gifting service's products are 100% made by the B-Sister members. Members supply the gifts, personally made, and are putting these care packages together; that are customized/personalized. We provide a "Bespoke'' experience for the people buying the "Care Packages," it's also a subscription box.
18. A whole huge section of inspirational and kind memes, stories, even a feed on the app or website, definitely a "Hope" section for "Mental Wellness"
19. FREE CANNABIS FOR VETERANS (I'll try to Blog about this soon!)
They need your cookies for some reason, they're gonna eat them all!