Honesty is everything, you will always ever only get the truth from me, I promise to be straight, even if it hurts.
1. I promise to be open about my addiction history and my struggles with substances. If I can help by telling my story I absolutely want to and will, I started a blog to discuss my weaknesses but also my strengths. Journaling is beneficial to processing grief, I'm going to do that, put it all out there.
2. I will give you Hemp products for nearly nothing, so you have options to try something else
3. Find you free art supplies if I can, it doesn't hurt to ask. This is my first crack at charity work, this project may or may not help but I'm certainly going to ask, with genuine concern and the utmost respect. I'll ask those more fortunate than us if they can allocate supplies for women grieving these tremendous losses.
3. I will be patient for you and with you, if nothing else and I am unable to find you art supplies, at the very least I will listen to you, be available hold your hand if I can.
4. Provide online space for you to sell your art and/or services. The opportunity for you to earn additional income.
5. A safe place online for women. I don't think men should be a part of this, and I am unsure to what degree. We are just defining who we are, who we need to be, and what that means to survive great tragedy. In other words I'm not sure what to expect but I promise to always have an open mind and heart.
I. WHY - Our Mission Statement & Vision
II. WHAT - The Bee Sister Origin Story, I want this to be Charitable
III. WHO - Define a B-Sister and Who We Are, Our Story
IV. WHEN - The Biz Plan Timeline, List of Priorities that needs completed before we start asking for donations, Budget/Funding, measurable goals
V. WHERE - Where We Start Healing, "The Art of Gifting" & Phase I
VI. HOW - We are Developing 4 options, Four Phases Business Plan
I'd like to show other wounded women that healing is possible after our world is completely destroyed, devastated following a life-altering loss. We can do that together, even just by saying a compliment to someone lends hope. I thought we could start building confidence just by creating for ourselves, just a simple coloring-- an easy task. And after that we'll try to color something for another person you are worried about. More about the Art of Gifting program I am imagining to give us a little hope. Kind gestures is all this is for now.
We know that creative expression helps us immensely mentally, art and jewelry truly also saved my life after the loss of our baby. I was heading down a very dark path of destruction, chaos and more, there was little hope that I could, or would get past this event. More is blogged, this is just a quick summary about what happened to me, why I needed art...
It was nothing short of a MIRACLE that I was able to stop drinking. I DID NOT DO THIS ALONE, I had my Bee Sisters!!! And not just one to my surprise, but many! They shared their light with me as my friend did in the beginning, in that art room, she'd rescued me again decades later and even through the loss of her own child. She is an angel in the form of a human bee and in the role of my sister. Now, it is my turn to shed this light for her, for you and for myself. So now IT IS MY TURN to share light and love, I will help if I can, I want to, and I will!
Now that I am doing good in life because of others' kindness, I want to give that love and light back. I think by doing just some simple kind gestures, it will help you immensely as it has me; and I'll help you try. I do think I personally, will be able to thrive eventually and you will too, and there is plenty of joy still left to be had! If it helps you to see me have peace, then perhaps you will, absolutely too. I am not alone with this project, and I want you to know-- you are not alone either. I know things are looking mighty awful, and I'll hold your hand-- even when it seems hope or joy will never be possible-- IT IS... with kindness
Although we do not know each other, I can still be supportive like this, with creativity. However minimal this may seem, may this project shed hope to you as well, that's truly why I want to do this, to give hope in such a brutal world. Making art and jewelry is something that helped me and maybe I can help you find stability somehow too...
By Sherie Christi, October 2021
“My dad has bees. Today I went to his house and he showed me all of the honey he had gotten from the hives. He took the lid off of a 5 gallon bucket full of honey and on top of the honey there were 3 little bees, struggling. They were covered in sticky honey and drowning.
I asked him if we could help them and he said he was sure they wouldn't survive. Casualties of honey collection I suppose. I asked him again if we could at least get them out and kill them quickly, after all he was the one who taught me to put a suffering animal (or bug) out of its misery.
He finally conceded and scooped the bees out of the bucket. He put them in an empty yogurt container and put the plastic container outside. Because he had disrupted the hive with the earlier honey collection, there were bees flying all over outside.
We put the 3 little bees in the container on a bench and left them to their fate. My dad called me out a little while later to show me what was happening.
These three little bees were surrounded by all of their sisters (all of the bees are females) and they were cleaning the sticky nearly dead bees, helping them to get all of the honey off of their bodies. We came back a short time later and there was only one little bee left in the container. She was still being tended to by her sisters.
When it was time for me to leave we checked one last time and all three of the bees had been cleaned off enough to fly away and the container was empty.
>>>(Sherie Says) Those three little bees lived because they were surrounded by family and friends who would not give up on them, family and friends who refused to let them drown in their own stickiness and resolved to help until the last little bee could be set free.
Bee Sisters. Bee Peers. Bee Teammates. We could all learn a thing or two from these bees.
Bee kind always.<<<
I did not write this, but love it. I have not been able to find the source"
The B-Sisters Project is about sharing Love WITH Kindness, Creative Wellness and a Better Quality of Life; it is a way for us to help other women and ALSO HEAL, ourselves. We'll build a community that is safe, and we'll give women free art supplies to begin this project. Next, we'll implement a plan that provides affordable and Legal Hemp product alternatives. We'll build a Sisterhood, an honest, meaningful, mindful and supportive community, with the objective to provide another source of income for women suffering with severe PTSD, and we'll utilize Hemp to aid in physical pain relief, and an alternative to destructive habits.
Finally, we are going to HEAL together, because our sisters will also help other sisters, new or not, navigate the complicated aftermath of a tremendous and horrible, SURREAL and impossible LOSS. I want to help women who are also suffering a shattered heart, and with severe PTSD. We can help with the ability TO HELP, if that makes any sense...
I Want This to be Structured as a Charitable Organization
If it is possible, could the members all own the charity? I still have to research the appropriate classification with the government of a Non-Profit, could it be owned by its members, since they are the ones needing these resources? What's the legal accountability? That is MASSIVELY IMPORTANT!! Ok so I need help forming the appropriate classification-- this project is very much still in the planning Phase I everybody, click here to see the Business Plan more detailed...
A dear friend shared the "Bee Sister" story aboved, unbeknownst to herself, she had already defined the role of a Bee Sister, 30 years prior. She is exactly who this story is about. And not just for me but for SO many people and through her whole life-- She is B-Sister #1! It had not occurred to her that she is this angel this post was describing. Since 1992 she wasn't just a sister to me, she was and is a Mother and she taught me how to be my own mother in the absence of mine. She continues until this day, Bee Sister, Bee MOTHER! She was teaching others when she was still a kid herself, it just came so natural for her to help others, especially those with no voice like myself. This story she posted resonated with me SO deeply that it has prompted the creation of this, for her, for me, FOR YOU...
At 20 weeks pregnant, we lost our son. I was a mother and then overnight--wasn't. I'd entered into this hell, deeply in shock I drank heavily and hopelessly. This loss, this trauma was like none other. The two years after I was hospitalized four times total, I had injured my brain I drank so much, it's like dementia. This is a story for another time but for the sake of this project, know that I had given all the way up and just wanted to die. I CAME BACK, I quit drinking and I created a MEGA AMOUNT of Jewelry and Art!
My number one Bee Sister's nightmare then became real. I cannot tell you her story as it is hers to tell, but she is why I had to do something...
We Are Women Who NEED Help--
We Are Women Who CAN Help--
We Are Women Who WILL Help--
Life is Brutal, Tragic, Unbending and Savage, we cannot do this on our own, we need help to heal... Everything is SURREAL following the tremendous loss of our children (and other life-altering events). We understand the things you don't want to talk about or are afraid to....
Grief has no timeline, it cannot be predicted or rushed, but we can understand it and find peace-- even JOY is possible again. We know that a big part of you has died, this part must also be mourned. We will discover that addiction and unhealthy coping mechanisms are side effects of something that is so much bigger--the "WHY" is, THAT EVENT that happened to you, is Why.
There is a breakthrough understanding this realization about addiction and life does become easier, I promise, when you're ready. We're treating the aftermath of the event, which cans come with addiction, we can provide alternatives utilizing Art, Hemp and this Sisterhood. You're going to be OK, you're crutch is us and we've got you for the rest of time! That is our hope with this project.
We will not shame you for wanting to feel better, for using whatever you need to get through the thickness and fog. When you come out on the other side of this (and you will!!!), you will be able to help other women facing the same nightmare you did, because now you are A B-Sister too, for every moment after we will hold each other's hand...
The Journey is Different but the Pain is the Same
"Where" is different for everyone, the path will be vastly different for each of us. We stick with Sisterhood, Creativity and Natural Remedies as the formula. We've got to go back to square one, YOUR square one, where we learn how to be a human again.
THE ART OF GIFTING - is WHERE we begin...
We did indeed die right along with our children, it is in that space of our heart and being and soul, where our children once occupied where he learn to heal. We've got to build a path to a world that functions without them, in the fabric of your reality that tore forever. We will never forget them here though, we are actually here (in this group) FOR THEM and WITH THEM, but we can't see them. We'll learn to see them again too, not with our eyes but with our hearts, and in each other. We will HONOR them helping other traumatized women...
We learn how to be "Human" again, as our foundation; then we learn how to be a woman again. After that, we learn how to be a friend again, then we learn how to be a "mother" all over again (or where you want to be). We practice this until there can be peace again, and every day after, however that looks for you.
Please know you are very important to us, even if we've never met, BECAUSE we have never met! It takes an army to survive in 2024 America, let alone the aftermath of such a horrible, massive, impossible loss. We help each other navigate the aftermath and then we show others what we did to survive. It is out of that kindness the B-Sisters are born, it is ABSOLUTELY possible to be ok again, thrive and even find joy, we're going to do that together...
They need your cookies for some reason, they're gonna eat them all!